So how was your day?

May 31, 2007 01:38

Had my first appointment to begin the surgery stuff wednesday mornin' here. And let me tell you... my day was all kinds of peachy.

Got up, got the jeep into work, so I could head straight back afterwards... and then we headed into Lansing to head to my 9:00am appointment. Considering they took the entire expressway down from Perry to Lansing to one lane... that proved to be all kinds of fun. But we made it with time to spare. Get in there.. wait a half hour before they see us. Got me over to take the final measurements of my eyes. Took me into a room to wait for the doc. He goes over things with me, and then they proceed to get us to check out... but wait. Wasn't I suppose to have the holes put into one of my eyes today? So we asked the lady at the desk about it... she checks my appointments.

"You've got the LPI (some initial shit that signifies the burning two holes into my eye) on June 6th, surgery on the 12th, post-op the 13th, second surgery on the 19th, and post-op thet 20th and 27th"
"Ok, when is the second LPI going to be done?"
"Your surgeries are on the 12th and 19th"
"ok... but when are they going to prep the holes for the second eye?"
"...Your surgiers are on June 12th and June 19th"
"Is there something you have a question about?"
"Yeah, how the fuck did you get this job if you're this stupid"

Ok, so maybe the last line wasn't said. But she just wasn't understanding that I had to have the second eye prepped... couldn't just prep one and then do both of them. Doesn't work like that. But it's great to see the place is on top of these things... right? So we get shoved off onto one of the scheduling ladies. We wait. We finally see her.

"Your appointments are..."
"Ok, we know. But we thought that today the first eye was going to be done. It didn't happen. When are we going to do it?"
"um. Let me ask the doctor."
10 minutes later...
"Looks like today. But it'll be 15 minutes."


So we sit down. 5 minutes later...

"It may be 35-45 minutes until..."
"You're shitting us right?"
"well we are..."
"Yeah, whatever. We'll wait. Fine."

I think they could tell my mother and I were getting pissed, because they got me in reeeal fucking quick to get my cells counted to check on heal rates and other issues with my eyes... now. The first two tests were simple "stare at this light" sort of tests. This one... was like a microscope that they press against your eye. One numbing drop per eye... and the woman's asking "Does he have a history of muscle spasms?" "No, your drops didn't work and your poking me in the goddamn eye."

A few more drops later. We finally get it completed. So they prep my right eye for the two holes. Numbing drops (we see how well these work...) and some other crap later... I'm finally put in the room where the laser is.

Now, with the proper drops, they had this small little... almost monocle, that had a gel in it that went onto my right eye to help keep it open and all that other jazz... and they put me up to the first machine. Put my chin on the little rest, and forehead against the bar... and I feel the nurse's hand place itself on the back of my head to hold my head still and in there. Thought "huh that's ... OH MY FUCKING GOD" as a bright flash of light hit the right eye and it fell like a nice solid dull ache/mini-migraine hit. Ok. I was surprised by what happened. That wasn't all that shitty, I can deal with this even if the shit isn't numb worth crap.

then it happens again. And again. And again... by the 10th time, you're ready to just be like "man, fuck this shit, I'm done" when you hear the great words of "Ok! Lets prep for the other hole!"

What did you... OH FUCK. 10 more times... and it's not a dull ache. It really is a migraine located specifically in my right eye. Only it pulses with the light. Oh that damn light...

Done. Good. Thank god. Wait... what? Turn to my ... oh damn. That just prepped for the holes. Now we get to make them. Do the same as before? Yay!
All I can think about is a schoolyard bully telling you "Stop. Hitting. Yourself" as he punches you in the face with your own fist. They tell you to "look at the light!" Thanks... I would, if I wasn't fucking wincing because it's goddamn annoying to have your headache situated in one specific location, and you can practically feel it making that damn hole.

Eventually it's done. They hand me a few things of eye drops, tell me my eye will be scratchy and shit for a while. That the gel will keep my vision blurry in the eye for a few hours to come. And they lead me out the door.

It's over... so what to do next? Go to work! I'm dazed as all shit as I still have that feeling of being kicked in the head once to many times. Got to work, vision's blurry, I'm out of it... so I decided to do what anyone should do when they have no clue wtf is going on.

I grabbed the little mini forklift. Grabbing the biggest heavy equipment I could find just seemed like a natural course of action. We use it to lower the tv's down considering they're heavy as shit and only supported by one bolt into the ceiling. Balance them on the forks, take out the bolt, lower it down and stash them away before the construction destroys the classrooms.

About 3 hours later, when I was just about getting ready to go home did my eye clear up and stop burning. Right now it seems fine, using the drops they told me to use for the next few days. Looking forward to next Wednesday when I get to do this all over again...
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