Summer Plans

May 01, 2007 09:27

I've gotten some questions on what I'm up to this summer, and I can say that I actually have quite a bit going on for once.

Exams end this week, so I'll be heading downstate as soon as I can. Most likely it'll be Thursday/Friday since I've yet to really pack up to be honest. The first few weeks of summer, I'll be working around my parent's house as there are some big issues around there that they haven't had time to deal with themselves just yet. May 25-28th I'll be in West Branch for a camping/offroading weekend with some of the guys from GreatLakes4x4. About that last week of May is also when I'd start up work in Durand again.

For June, I've got a camping trip planned into the Porcupine Mountains for the 14th-17th.

For July, around July 5th I start back up with Summer Youth Programs as a Residence Counselor. I work with them until August 8th or so.

After that, I've really got no plans until the semester starts in the Fall for, hopefully, my last year here at MTU. But there's also something else going on this summer... I'm finally getting corrective eye surgery. The appointments start end of May, around the 30th for my pre-ops. Then it's an appointment a week for a month straight. Surgery actually takes place on June 12th and June 19th. It's not laser surgery as with laser, it takes too much from the eye and it'd end up just destroying it because of how severe my eyesight is. So instead they're going with a collemer lense that they'll implant into the eye. It SHOULD put me at around the point where I shouldn't need glasses/contacts or at least be exceedingly less dependent on them. I'm looking forward to it, but little worried about it as well. We'll see how it goes though.

In a nutshell, that's the planned crap I have this summer. I'm sure I'll have much more unplanned shenanigans going on at some point. Actually, I'm trying to decide if my money made this summer will go towards parts for the Jeep or picking up other needed gear. Thinking other needed gear for once... the lights/exhaust on the jeep can wait, even if the exhaust would increase my gas mileage it wouldn't pay for itself for a while yet. Ah well, we'll see what ends up happening. IF I get what I want to, I'll have a very cool camera to show come Fall.
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