Jul 05, 2004 15:35
Who remembers setting off fireworks at Draz's house. You can always count on the Draucikas family to have a good stash of fireworks. This year's fourth of July has been kinda lame - I guess cause last year i was in DC and I don't think it's gets better than Independence Day in the Capitol. I didn't even go to the beach or anything. Oh well, it's been a relaxing break from work, and Duca's party on Fri was a good time :).
Last night I raked in 175 bucks selling glowsticks in New Brunswick. I know you all think that selling glowsticks sounds like the most shady thing ever (and it is) I don't care cause last night they were selling themselves and I sold out before the fireworks started. What sucked was that my uncle dropped me off there while he sold with some other people in Highland Park. So there I am - I have 500 bucks literally bulging out of my pockets, and I'm a little white girl there all alone. Oh well, I survived.
I would like to have a moment of silence to pass a milestone for me - tonight Guster is playing in Sayreville, NJ, and I am not there. I mean, I've only seen them 7 times. It's the first time in two years that I've opted out of a Guster show within like 3 hours of my location. Thank you.
In other news, my iPod mini might arrive sometime this century. Supposedly it's in Shanghai, China right now and will be here on the 8th. That's wonderful because after taking 5 weeks to get here, I'll prob never get it because no one will be here to sign for it. Grrrrreat. I just want my iPod dammit!
Ok, that's all I got.