Jan 06, 2007 20:51
saw jon on thursday. love him. he always asks me to go out n do something but then it never happens. last time it was a movie. this time sushi. i'm still waiting...
but he's been great. his life is falling apart (like literally) but we've been good. he got a DWAI on christmas though, then his mom kicked him out so he's had no place to live. been going way up the island to his brother's, except he works out here so that sucks. he stays at rob's sometimes since rob is in the marines and rob's grandparents love jon, so that works. but its just not a good situation all around. AND he's quitting college because the fam is no longer paying for it. and he just took all his money out of the bank to pay for a lawyer. i offered to pay for college... still waitin on a response. i think he's holding out to see if the rents change their minds.
its weird to see on the news the avalanche in colorado on the road that i took up to steamboat springs. its just weird. i hated driving that road. we took a different way back.
my back is a complete disaster. i am in such excrutiating pain... its my lower back... its so bad that i almost cant even wipe after i pee. i have to stand in order to do so. i hate this.
ok back to watching the islanders lose.