Feb 27, 2006 10:40
Only four more days! I count today and Thursday both since I have to make it through that many days of work before I get to see my Amy...and everyone else. ;-) *does excited little hop/dance that elicits strange looks from coworkers*
Not much else to tell. I'm starting to think after some research that I'm not actually sick, though. Pregnancy is known to cause overproduction of mucous (ICK!) that drains down your throat while you sleep (double ICK!). Which is what's been causing my cough. I'm going to talk to my OB as soon as her nurse calls me back. So in the next month or so...*sigh* But with coughing half the night I'm exhausted again...is there no sleep in my future!? *grumbles*
But I had a nice relaxing weekend, which was nice. Played some X-Men: Legends II for the first time in forever...or what seems like it. Got a bit doen around the house and vegetated in front of my week's worth of shows and Transporter 2...which was a decent flick considering it was another one I couldn't care less if I saw. All in all I didn't want to come back to work today. Not that I ever do. ;-)
Happy Birthday to my dad! It's actually today, but Em and I are taking him out to lunch tomorrow to celebrate. During time that I'd normally be working...bonus! :-D
On a note completely unrelated to pretty much everything else in this post...if I have to listen to "Blinded by the Light", "Magic Carpet Ride", or "Bohemian Rhapsody" again I'm going to scream! This retarded statino plays all three at least twice...and that's just during my work day!!!! *growls and cranks up her CD*