Stayed home sick yesterday. Between cartoons (Em was home as well, obviously) and FFVIII, which I'm replaying, and sleeping, it was a total waste of a day. Much as I love my game. But I feel better today, so I guess something came of it.
I'm getting really tired of the new shows this season. Invasion and Surface in particular. Surface I can take or leave at this point. It's okay. Invasion I'm loving. But they both seem to drag on and on and on. One episode covers a couple of hours...tops. And they just keep alluding to things dealing with the aliens, you never actually learn anything concrete. Or if you do, they don't do anything with it (like the ring that was actually from Tom's first wife for those who watch). I'm about to stop watching just because I'm afraid they'll try to drag it out for seasons on end before they even tell you they're definitely aliens (ie. the characters on the show find this out for sure). But I have this problem with dropping anything in the middle of a story plot (books, shows, movies) no matter how much I probably should (except for fanfic, I'll drop it in a heartbeat if it sucks). So I'll suffer on...but it is annoying as Hell. *growl*
Stole it from
quietlybemused who stole it from
mercscilla and so on :)
* Been so drunk you blacked out: No, but I'm sure I've come close once or twice...I have forgotten huge chunks of evenings. ;)
* Missed school because it was raining: I live in MT! It'd have to be ten feet of snow to cancel anything!
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Do people actually do this!? That's a no in case you didn't catch it!
* Been hurt emotionally: Hell yeah!
*Cried during a Movie: Yes, as well as TV shows, books, the news, magazine articles...I'm very emotional! :S
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Dimitri from Anastasia...I swear it was the voice...;) I'm also sure there've been others.
* Shampoo: Love the smell of Herbal Essences...but I think I'm allergic. :(
*Color: Purple
*Day/Night: Neither in particular...
*Summer/Winter: Spring and Fall actually...but Winter if I have to pick from the two.
*Fav Ice Cream: Pumpkin Pie Blizzard! It November!!!!!
*Fav Subject: Orchestra! ;) Or English...
*Drink: Coke...I know it's naughty, but I'm addicted!
* Fav Persons to talk to online: Amy or Erin
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Jeans and a blue sweatshirt over my "have you seen my monkey"'s freezing in here!
* I'm feeling: anti-everything political
* Eating: bagel with cream cheese and hot chocolate.
* Thinking about: How much I dislike my job.
--------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------
* Cried: No.
* Worn a shirt: I am at work...
* Met someone new: Nope, was home sick.
* Cleaned Your Room: LMAO...still LMAO...obviously the person who wrote this has never met me...more LMAO
*What are your favourite songs of all time? There are too many to list...and of course I can't think of them now that you've asked!
*Who are your fav bands?: Nickleback, Braeking Benjamin, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence...those are the ones that I've popped in the car cd player most recently...and I'm sure you don't want a 10 mile long list. ;)
*What song most resembles you?: I'm not sure.
*What band or person do you like?: I've always been a big Bryan Adams fan. It's fic inspiration most of the time.
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Yes...why, am I not real? *bes confused*
* Your friends: Yes...I'm hoping they're real...;)
* Santa Claus: No, but that's because I'm the one leaving presents under the tree now. *whispers* Don't tell Em! ;)
* Tooth Fairy: See above...though I haven't had to yet!
* Love at first sight: Only in movies, TV, books, and fic!
*Angels: Not really
* UFOs:
------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Shh...don't tell my husband! ;) KIDDING!
* Who do you cry to? : Where do I start? Okay, usually I save the crying for when I'm alone, but I complain a lot. ;)
* Best thing in the world: Emily
* Who will respond to this the fastest? I don't expect anyone to respond, really. But if they do, awesome!
* And last but not least, your birthday? 2/5/80
Three Names You Go By:
Three Parts of Your Heritage:
~ American (as far back as my dad knows at least)
~ Irish
~ German
Three Things That Scare You:
~ Spiders
~ Snakes
~ Losing someone I love
Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
~ Computer
~ Cell phone
~ Deodorant (like how this one is third? I know what's important in life, and it ain't smelling pretty) ;)
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
~ Shirt
~ Jeans
~ Sneakers
Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists:
I already answered this above...
Three of Your Favorite Songs: (right now they are)
~ Medicate - Breaking Benjamin
~ Every Time - Brittney Spears (hate her, love the song)
~ You Get Me - Michelle Branch (reminds me of my Amy...not that she wants me, but the rest you sickos)
Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love):
~ Friendship
~ Understanding
~ Trust
Two Truths and a Lie: (do they have to be in that order?)
~ I'm addicted to the Backstreet Boys
~ I've stolen from little old ladies
~ I've pulled the fire alarm at school
Three Things about the Opposite/Same Sex that Appeal to You:
~ Personality
~ Sense of humor
~ Eyes
Three of Your Favorite Hobbies:
~ reading
~ Watching TV/Movies
~ shopping (tis the season, yay!)
Three Things You Want to do Really Badly Right Now:
~ pack up and go to NY to see
bout14~ take
ilysanth with me
~ tell my boss that I won the lottery and he can shove this job
Three Places You Want to go on Vacation:
~ Canada
~ The Gold Coast
~ Las Vegas
Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
~ Meet some of my net friends.
~ Go to a Stargate convention (I'm a geek and proud of it!)
~ Road trip with Amy...just us girls!