To do list for 2005

Nov 24, 2005 08:53

  1. Stop drinking beer everyday just because it's there.
  2. Excercise. You might have more energy and be more inclined to clean the house and not eat everything in sight.
  3. Call your Baba. She's your grandmother. Just because you don't usually talk to her and your kids go completely mental when you get on the phone, doesn't mean you shouldn't call the hospital and to see if she can have a chat.
  4. Watch the movies that were due 2 weeks ago at Blockbuster. Watch the DVD your collegue lent you 2 months ago. Watch the rest of the DVD series 'La vie, la vie' your other collegue lent you months ago. Really. It's getting disgraceful.
  5. Decorate for Christmas.
  6. Fold your 4 feet pile of clean clothes. Seriously.
  7. Find someone who's trustworthy to come and make the necessary reparations to the appartments and your house.
  8. Tell the tennant in 193 to stop dealing drugs from her house and shut up her dogs at night.
  9. Get to work in advance so you can leave on time.
  10. Keep up and better the whole evening routine with the kids.

It's going to be a long decembre.

home, kids, work

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