Jun 08, 2011 08:10
Methinks I'd like a word with Mother Nature. (Or Al Gore.)
We went from cold and very wet to "hot-hot-hot!" with the snap of her fingers, without stopping for some mild weather in between. We're supposed to get 95F (35C) today, and with our location typically running a few degrees hotter than the official predictions, we'll be flirting with 100F (38C).
School let out at the end of last week, and so the cries of "I'm bored!" have already begun. The Boss suggested that the kids write down a list of things they want to do this summer as a handy reference, but that hasn't kept them from the standard refrain. What "I'm bored" really means is that "XXX won't play with me right now", but they'll figure something out. Or I'll pull my hair out listening to them.
I am closing in on a milestone of sorts. A couple of months ago I decided I was going to finally finish ripping all of our CDs --24 years worth-- onto our computer. I'm now down to the last 50 or so, and the end is in sight. Thank goodness for data backups, because I sure don't want to do that again.
Now, all I need is one of those audio appliances that can stream over a local network, and I'd be set.