Jun 04, 2007 17:35
So last night I had some pretty weird dreams. The weirdest one, that has been annoying me all day, is one where I kill a bunny.
I'll go right out and say it, I'm not quite the animal lover. But I've never attacked one out of pure evil. I don't seek them, but I am not out to kill them. So anyway, this particular white bunny was bitting my fingers and I couldn't let go. So then this evil voice in my head said "Kill it" (very much a la Harry Potter in the Chamber of Secrets when the snake in parseltongue is saying weird things) and I replied to it "I don't want to". It told me again to kill it and I finally did.
I still feel it's poor bones cracking in my hands.
Oh and the noise!! So terrible!!!
Any thoughts?