May 10, 2004 16:51
I'm just fuckin sick of this place. My gram just aggrivates the shit out of me. Okay so Nick sleeps over this weekend and Meg and him were goin to Wal-mart Saturday so I gave my sister some $ cause she doesnt have a job n' shit so I just gave her some $, I didn't know it was gonna be such a big deal that I gave my sister 40 bucks. Nick ended up borrowing 10 bucks for gas then my gram found out so she got all pissed off. gram it's only 10 fuckin dollars for christ sake! anyway I found out from my sister that my gram said to her this mornin "What's Lindy doin buyin you (meaning megan) and Nick condoms too?"
GGGGGRR!!! That just fuckin pissed me off. yeah gram just what I'm gonna do with my $ buy condoms for my sisters boyfriend. And I love how you just talk shit about me behind my back to my sisters when I'm not around, don't you think their gonna tell me?
And I dont even confront her about the things she says about me cause I know shit will start so I pretty much keep my thoughts and feelings bottled up inside when I'm home. I don't even talk to her much either I think things have changed. I'm just sick of her stupid shit she's gettin old and too fuckin Cranky.
Maybe I should start lookin for an apartment 600.00 bucks a month I think I might be able to handle it I give my gram 150.00 a week multiply that by 4 is 600.00 hhmm.. The ? is could I really? I dunno all's I know is I'm sick of this place...
All that just cause I gave my sister 40 bucks. Ever think of this gram maybe I just did it out of the kindness of my <3? no you wouldn't think of that...