New Things

Dec 10, 2008 12:14

Been a while since I've written anything, so the general update is in order.

1. Work is not only great, its freaking awesome. Somebody must have been listening to my cries of anguish at my last job, because I truly feel blessed to be working in my current job. Oh don't get me wrong, things around here piss me off and are annoying, stressful, and crazy. But I love what I'm doing, so its better than it would have been in another job. I'm truly thankful for this opportunity and I feel like I'm actually working my career instead of my job.

2. School sucks. Only because its the end of the semester, and I don't want to write papers, put together presentations, design websites, or read another programming book (just thinking about it made me throw up a little in my mouf).

3. Marriage is awesome. Its always awesome, but its been particularly awesome lately. I've been trying to figure out my personality and how it affects things in my relationship with the Nomes. One thing that I found encouraging is the Highly Sensitive Person material (, a theory by a Dr. Elaine Aron that has helped me immensely in really understanding some core concepts that I've not been able to grasp previously:
A.My sensitivity is not "wrong", "bad", "unusual", or "negative"
B.My sensitivity is something that doesn't need to be "fixed".
C.My disposition isn't wrong, its just who I am.
D.I can learn to live with who I am.
E.I can use my sensitivity to my advantage, and I have a privledged world view as a result of it.
F. I can teach my spouse about my sensitivity, and use it as a strength in our relationship rather than a
Anyway, these are some things that have been encouraging to me lately.

3. Life is pretty sweet these days. We're usually broke, but at least we eat and we have a nice place to live, we're finally making some friends, and we're learning how to get out and about a bit.

All in all things are good. I'm looking forward to an upcoming El Paso Christmas, which is always good, and I'm definitely going to gain like thirty pounds from holiday meals, heavy awesome delicious mexican food, and probably a bit of boozing.
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