Robin Red Bird
A shared-universe series following the events of the flashback in "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker." Not all the stories are entirely within continuity to the rest; think of them more as lending thoughts and inspirations back and forth, in order to make something greater out of the whole.
Contending With Shadows by Dotfic
For one member of the Bat-family, the greatest battle of all is within the mind.
The Silence Game by Merlin Missy
Tim needs help.
The Stolen Child by Merlin Missy
Wayne Manor is not a place where people come to heal. It is a place, at best, where people come to find others with whom they can heal.
Returning Robin by Dotfic
There's something Tim Drake needs to finish, and he'll need help from someone who knows just what being Robin means.
The Year of Living by Merlin Missy
Virgil Hawkins and Tim Drake are roommates in college.
Empty Nest by Dotfic
Every bird leaves the nest eventually.
Fallen Robins by Merlin Missy
A good costume like that can't just sit idle forever.
Estrangement by
JuneThis is the fifth year.
Prevention by Dotfic
There are two paths you can go by.
Eulogy by Merlin Missy
People didn't always get the Drakes' marriage.
The Hunt by Merlin Missy
Where was the League when Robin went missing?
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