Yuletide Reveal

Jan 01, 2011 11:45

This is going to be long.

For the very first thing, I want to squee about my real-life prezzie from my family. You know how holidays and birthdays become much less about Getting Stuff when you're an adult? I GOT A WARHAWK DOLLY! :D :D :D :D I'd mentioned out loud that I was still scanning the aisles every so often, looking for one, because it was the only JLU figure out that I didn't have but really wanted. On one of the days when I was at work, Girlchild and abrazak37 found one online and I got to open it at Yule, and it was the Best Thing Ever!

For Yuletide, I received two lovely giftfics. Luzula wrote me The Story of Hrayatha and the Rabbit Who Left No Tracks, which is a Watership Down story about an original character and her tale of a ghostly encounter. Then dotfic wrote me The Princess Bride story I always wanted to read for a Madness treat: The Princess Bride Strikes Back (or, Buttercup Has Had Enough of These Shenanigans), which is EXACTLY what you'd expect from the title. :D You should go read both of them right now!

And then we get to what I wrote. Um. I didn't write as many stories this year as I did in 2007.

- Casualty Report for kagehikario: Lord of the Flies. The prompt was about the consequence of the time on the island for the boys, so, um. Yeah. This is not a happy fic. beebalm did the beta work, and I thank her. :)

- Beauty I'd Always Missed for lyo: Gargoyles. This was the first pinch-hit I picked up. I've been 'shipping Lex and Amp ever since I saw the radio play at the Gathering a few years ago, and this was a wonderful opportunity to get to write the two of them. I really enjoyed revisiting that fandom, if just for a little bit. I asked dotfic to beta the story, and we got to squee together like little fangirls, yay!

- There Are Silver Skies for january_blues: Mary Poppins. This was my second pinch-hit, based on the prompt that Mary Poppins was also George's nanny when he was a little boy. I tried writing it in the style of a children's book (I could even see the ink drawings in my head that would go with) and I'm pleased with the final result. amilyn betaed this, wherein we determined important differences between Mary Poppins and Peter Pan. :)

For Madness, I wrote drabbles, because I like to write drabbles. :) For a complete list, look here.

I'm convinced the popularity of Post-Apocalyptic Macbeth on the Moon was based entirely on its title. (Thanks, amilyn!) Alma Mater and Boston Legal were actually a miniseries where Tiana and Mulan were roommates at Smith College. I was pleased with how The Bully Code turned out, though to be honest, I wrote it mostly for thisisnotemily and for me, because we have the weird Baljeet/Buford 'ship from Phineas and Ferb. Then there was The Whitechapel Case, which is a "Study in Emerald" fic for bagheera_san about Jack the Ripper.

Side note: You don't need any canon to read Study in Emerald fic. It's Sherlock Holmes set in a Lovecraftian dystopia. I like the original Doyle canon, but apparently am only capable of writing fanfic about it if there are also unspeakable evils from the beginning of time.

Bagheera thanked me for the drabble, but also said the treat was her only giftfic from Yuletide this year. So I looked through her wishlist, checked out her LJ, and wrote Lex Talionis in about four hours. I think of it as "The One Where Sherlock Holmes and Lex Luthor Battle Cthulu With Steampunk Lasers. Also There Are Sharks." amilyn did a fantastically short turn around on the beta, and elynross put up with all my questions on how to upload to what I thought was a closed collection. :)

I had a blast this year, and would like to thank elyn and astolat for all their hard work bringing this together year after year.

yuletide, fanfic, gargoyles, dcau-fic

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