1. The hard part isn't realizing you're not Shakespeare. Nobody is gonna be Shakespeare. The hard part is realizing you're not e.e.cummings. Rule-breaking, transgressive writing is wonderful for expanding the frontiers of literature. It's also a highly effective method for producing massive amounts of pretentious and/or poorly-written crap. Determining the difference between the two will keep Lit majors in thesis topics for decades to come.
2. Every fandom, every 'ship, every group of people gathered together in a common interest will have at least one person who is the token Crazy Onna Stick. These are the people that, when you mention you're a fan of X, outsiders to the fandom will say "Isn't A in that fandom?" The people who make you cringe just a little because you know you're being tarred with the same brush just because you share a common interest. The people you point to in discussion and say, "I'm not that bad. See?"
2a. Everyone is Crazy Onna Stick to someone else. Some are just crazier than others.
3. Only in a house with small children will the phrase "Do NOT put the baby in the cage!" be a regular feature of your daily conversations.
4. There are few things in the world that don't look better on the other side of an iced mocha. Having a blender, coffee, ice, and chocolate syrup all in the same place has been a very good thing for me over the past several days.