Farscape Fic: Adventures

Apr 30, 2005 11:08

a Farscape story
by Merlin Missy
Copyright 2005

Disclaimer: Kemper and Henson own the goods.

Spoilers for Peacekeeper Wars. )

gen, fanfic, ficathon, farscape, d'argo

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Comments 19

astrogirl2 April 30 2005, 16:51:32 UTC
Aww, that's sweet. Personally, I'm of the "D'Argo should stay dead" school, not 'cause I don't miss him a bunch, but because ressurrecting dead characters is seldom a good idea. But I'm glad to see him get this moment, anyway.


mtgat April 30 2005, 18:24:22 UTC
I concur, but it was the only option that allowed for the Fountain of Poo. And this story was entirely about the Fountain of Poo.


dotsomething May 1 2005, 02:24:56 UTC
And if anyone could bring D'Argo back to the dead right (outside of Kemper & co, of course), it'd be mtgat because she handled it so well.

I'm in denial too, I think, although I agree dead characters need to stay dead (*kicks DC comics*)


mtgat May 1 2005, 03:23:51 UTC
*kicks DC Comics with you* Are they serious with this? Or are they just screwing with the fans (again)?


kirbyfest April 30 2005, 18:22:07 UTC
I like this, very much. And I suck for offering to beta and then not.

::thwaps self::


mtgat April 30 2005, 18:25:17 UTC
Don't worry about it, hon. :) Story is out, the typos were caught, it is all good.


(The comment has been removed)

mtgat May 1 2005, 00:06:09 UTC
Hey, thanks for letting me work out my Fountain of Poo issues. ;)


amilyn May 1 2005, 00:36:04 UTC
Ah, the Fountain of Poo.

So terrifying.

I really like what you've done re: permanent injuries and potency as the trade-off for bringing D'Argo back for this.

I also like the "Night of the Living Baby" and Aeryn considering flinging the child against the wall. I SO remember the nights of exhausted misery when you could only cry WITH the crying baby.


mtgat May 1 2005, 03:23:05 UTC
The good old days of "Why aren't you asleep can't you tell time???!!" Ah, yes.


kernezelda May 1 2005, 04:18:01 UTC
This is a very sweet story. However they got D'Argo back, this subdued, quiet scene is well-drawn, even to the Fountain of Poo.


mtgat May 1 2005, 05:09:10 UTC
Thank you. *still has flashbacks to the original Fountain*


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