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Man, I never thought there’d be a president in my life that gave better speeches than Jed Bartlett but Motherfucker stuck the landing tonight. In addition to the obvious nod to MLK and a bit of an Aaron Sorkin-esque pop to it, the speech also had flashes of FDR and Kennedy and, I swear to God, a repurposed Daily Show joke. Also, in a move purely designed to see if Joe Scarburough’s head can pop off like a rock’em sock’em robot, Obama announces maybe the simultaneously most ambitious and politically savvy initiative of his campaign in the middle of his fucking acceptance speech and judging by the reaction from the McCain campaign they may not have been awake enough to even notice.
Meanwhile in other news on why John McCain is screwed: God’s sending another Hurricane to New Orleans in the middle of the Republican convention for those of you that didn’t fucking get the hint the first time. Hopefully it’ll veer off course so we can get that point underlined without learning our new FEMA head is about as qualified as the last one.