ACNW ... and other odd bits.

Oct 13, 2010 23:55


I'd post my game list, but the truth is, since my darling arainbowcat has half a year until she's of legal majority, I had to find "teen-friendly" games.

Somehow, I think if any game I ran had a bunch of kids, it would end up being the naughtiest, raunchiest game of my convention. Because I am a teenager, still... times, um, two. [snort, grin]

Apparently, I just "bring that out in people." What a silly super power.


I am good at sexing snakes.
I can order food in a faux-pirate fashion.
I can often read my cat's mind. (It's a vice-versa thing, though.)

This is not a full or complete list.


Yeah. We haz one. It's less trouble than the goat.


Don't ask.


Um. Well. Hey, look, I have a stack of green drawers. And they're labelled!

Actually, I told arainbowcat that if I had my druthers (well, I didn't tell her about my druthers, because they're unmentionables, now that I reveal them. Woot! I'm wearing pink and green striped druthers! This is a lie.) I'd be that person in the commercial with everything boxed, stacked, and labelled.

Hey, speaking of things we haz, we HAZ GOT SHELVES.

I missed my books.

Yep, we're cleaning up. We might even be able to have people over before the end of the year.

I'm, um, not holding my breath. But I did schedule next year to have a "MYSTERY MEN HALLOWEEN PARTY." We might be ready by then.

We have this huge skeleton hooked to our front door. I like it. It says, "Keep out, you're next."

arainbowcat had found a welcome sign and had put it up next to the door. I looked at her. "Do we LOOK like welcoming people? Like people who want people? Except for dessert?"


That's always a good note to self. Unless a bear trap is just a better mouse trap.

That'd make bears just better mice.

That's an odd thought.

And with that, I looked at the time and panick'd. Important things at work tomorrow! Must get rested! Smooches and love to those of you who should get 'em. Plague tomorrow. There's always plague tomorrow.

Wait...that's not how it goes. Hmmm.


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