[ahem] Yeah, well...

May 27, 2010 00:11

So, about three months ago I noted I was starting to come back with an internet presence. You may now commence laughing. It's been about two weeks that shadowpryde reminded me that I hadn't been over to see her and her odd clan in about six months, and she's barely 10 blocks up the street.

I did go out to eat with teal_cuttlefish um... a while ago, and I pointed out my lurkers may support me, but they aren't so many when I disappear for a while.


The Portal Doctor is only fifteen (sixteen as of tomorrow if lunch writing goes well) entries past 100, but sixteen is important, because it was entry #66 that was definitely 50,000 words, and now that I've been at a 1,000 word count for each entry after that (minimum - many are up to 1400 words) it means I'm definitely at 100,000 words of this nonsense. But it still amuses me, and I'm still trying to get two-three entries a week in on it, so read at your own risk. The plan on rewriting is not happening at this point - but that might change (see further news.)

I am still doing blogging in various places. See, I have a dreamwidth journal, a tumblr, a second LJ, a number of blogs, a vox, a facebook, twitter, and, um, more places to spread myself, so if someone's only following one medium they're only getting a trickle of all the places I write. Which is OK, because I really do have thematic constraints. My tumblr is a dirty, dirty thing. But if I have to save my writing energy, it goes into Doctor E. The second place my writing energy goes is into comments. The third is the original stuff, and it doesn't get published until it's ready for scrutiny, pretty much - except, again, on my dirty tumblr. Since I got tweetdeck, I do twitter a little more. Anyone love dirty weasel poetry like I do?

I finished my two-year, 100-page writing/art project. It was a handmade travel journal and story from the point of view of Damascus (known best from the Bete Noire letter game) for the husband. Had Moonriders, some redemption from Luke, Marius made an appearance (and actually wasn't a total jerk), and a couple of other characters from some of our other games so it's kind of an in-joke, but it's also a great Amber read, if I do say so myself.

I'm starting up some more gaming outside the usual groups and RPGs. Well, I was... but then life ate me again and I lost even the usual groups. When arainbowcat comes up we'll be doing a DFRPG game - we've made our characters pretty much (it's a session in itself) after making the city and such.

Since we're looking at a closing date on a house, I know tLK will be hoping to scrape together a semi-regular gaming group. I just don't know what we'll be playing yet. Probably we'll do some tries of a variety of systems like the old Minions group.

I do have three (really four, but one is a two-parter) games in mind for ACNW. Of course, buying a house kind of drained some of the resources for going, but I'm still hoping. Three games when I hadn't had any ideas is good - it means I'll get at least one good one out of the group.

Still in a bit of a spiritual drought. I'll have to remember to water twice a week.

HOTROD! Is great.

"Plan Disneyland" continues slowly. Part of the problem is that I'm beginning to be convinced there's something more wrong with me - I shouldn't get tired and/or sore as easily as I do, but it could just be that if my sugars were under better control I'd have more energy. So I'm kind of fighting the whole thing in general because I'm sick and tired of poking my fingers. Seriously - if they told me I could get accurate results poking any other part of my body (and yes, I know the literature says so, but my personal research and my doctor is not really convinced) I'd take my blood sugars, but I'm done, d-o-n-e with poking my fingers. My skin is too tough...must have Clark Kent in the genetics somewhere, bending needles the way I do. I don't mind poking myself twice a day for the Byetta, but it's not in my fingers.

Argh. It makes me mad just typing it.

Anyway, I don't plan on saying anything foolish this time like, "Now I'm back to keeping a bigger online profile," or somesuch, but who knows... you might run into me somewhere.
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