I'm just not into the internet. No, wait. It's worse than that.
In the last, call it two weeks at most, I have read (not all authors are mentioned, I think):
Carnival Bear, Elizabeth
Ehn. One or two neat ideas, but nothing that broke ground for me. It suffers from a deus ex machina issue and not seeming focused enough to decide if it's trying to reveal a revolution or just a relationship.
The chains that you refuse Bear, Elizabeth
One or two stories were readable, liked one, maybe two of them, but I ended up just not impressed. It's not that they were depressing so much as most of the protagonists were unsympathetic.
The diabetes problem solver Touchette, Nancy
Should be renamed, `The absolute panic!! guide for hypochondriac people with diabetes.' No, seriously.
The no-cry sleep solution for toddlers and preschoolers : gentle ways to stop bedtime battles and improve your child's sleep Pantley, Elizabeth
Pointed out some important details about getting children to sleep, and I want to reread the chapters on "What if YOUR schedule is so screwed up you're hard pressed to provide consistency?"
Nolo's guide to Social Security disability Nolo Press
Bringing this over to my Dad tonight to see if it has any strategies for friends who are on it.
Try and make me! : simple strategies that turn off the tantrums and create cooperation Levy, Ray
I enjoyed it, and am trying to learn some of the techniques. Not afraid to get physical (not by spanking, but by a careful hold and muscle-training system) with kids.
Anansi Boys Gaiman, Neil
Liked it better than American Gods, which I liked a lot but at first made me think, Dirk Gently did it better.
Mistral's Kiss Hamilton, Laurell K.
I keep reading this series because every once in a while there's a cool idea, but the sex is getting very, very boring. And the fact that they have a Sex Craft class, where she keeps going up levels... or am I just projecting?
A Well-Favored Man Willey, Elizabeth
I liked this one. A bunch of deviants with Amberesque powers.
Toast Stross, Charles
I don't read a lot of science fiction because most of it bores me, but I am really enjoying this author. Lots of his books on my hold list.
Nolo's guide to Employers Nolo Press
Some very good points made, especially as we were just doing our employee reviews. Wrong, as per usual. [laughing]
Hammered Bear, Elizabeth
Scardown Bear, Elizabeth
Yeah, I'm waiting for the queue on the final one. [shrugs] Suffers from a lot of post-cyberpunk issues, but I hope it improves. Worth waiting for the last, at least.
It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken: The Smart Girl's Break-Up Buddy (Greg Behrendt, Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt)
It means GET AWAY FROM YOUR EX-s, people.
The Mood Cure Ross, Julia
Need to purchase supplements to see if this works.
...and I know I'm missing a few, but I can't remember the name of the books.