First, welcome. I didn't have the strength to come out until I was 51, so you are still ahead of me. Second, we know instinctively what we are, and, given the chance to experiment (and to have the results accepted by society) we would be in a much better place a whole lot sooner. HOWEVER we are the fear creature that walks in the night. The contradiction to every rule that society tries to slam down our throats. Basically, we represent a total affront to the status quo. I don't like the fact that we have to be judged as "ill" either. I'm not "Ill". I'm simply "wrong" at the moment. A situation I am working on changing. But, I will tell you, that a good shrink (one that, as far as a non-trans person can understand a trans person) can be helpful. My therapist, after one month told me she'd give me the letter as soon as I wanted it. that I understood myself and my situation better then she ever could. I've decided to stick with her after transition because she has been a blessing when it comes to helping me work through non-trans issues. So, don't write them off.
I didn't have the strength to come out until I was 51, so you are still ahead of me.
Second, we know instinctively what we are, and, given the chance to experiment (and to have the results accepted by society) we would be in a much better place a whole lot sooner. HOWEVER we are the fear creature that walks in the night. The contradiction to every rule that society tries to slam down our throats. Basically, we represent a total affront to the status quo.
I don't like the fact that we have to be judged as "ill" either. I'm not "Ill".
I'm simply "wrong" at the moment. A situation I am working on changing.
But, I will tell you, that a good shrink (one that, as far as a non-trans person can understand a trans person) can be helpful.
My therapist, after one month told me she'd give me the letter as soon as I wanted it. that I understood myself and my situation better then she ever could.
I've decided to stick with her after transition because she has been a blessing when it comes to helping me work through non-trans issues.
So, don't write them off.
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