I was going to wait a bit before posting this, but
drleo forced my hand! (I
originally got it from the incomparable
solarbird.) So, here we go:
The good folks over at that bastion of insanity and borderline treason,
Conservapedia, have recognized a problem, a BIG problem, a problem lurking at the very core of everything that is currently wrong with USAmerican (and therefore human) society:
The Bible.
The problem?
It's too liberal.
And so they're going to write a
Conservative Bible to make sure that no one else falls prey to such pernicious liberal messages as anti-materialism, peace, and
(If the link doesn't work, it's because their site has been getting hammered since this finally got noticed. In the meantime you can get other summaries of what they're on about from
BeliefNet and
SadlyNo and
some Catholic guy, while
RationalWiki has an in-depth history of the thing.)
actual page itself really has to be seen to be believed though, so keep trying until it works. The layers of (apparently unintentional) irony* are just too thick, I don't know where to begin.
Does anyone remember that episode of Star Trek: TNG where they rescued a lone Borg who crash-landed on the planet, and someone floated the idea that they could basically show him a really fancy Escher picture so convoluted and self-contradictory that when he took it back to the Collective, the central computer would get bogged down in analyzing it and overheat/explode? Sometimes I think that's exactly what projects like Conservapedia are trying to do to the reality-based community.
Anyway, if they're really serious (and tragically I don't really doubt that they are), they probably could've saved themselves a whole lot of time and trouble by just handing out copies of
this instead.
*Which in turn reminds me of Stephen Colbert's thriving conservative viewership who thoroughly enjoy him because they actually take him completely unironically, and will passionately argue that it's really all the liberals who are being fooled.