Hey LJland, I was just wondering, is there any truth to the rumors that
http://glennbeckrapedandmurderedayounggirlin1990.com/ ? I've been seeing this cropping up more and more lately, and while some of them claim to be jokes, after a while you just you start to wonder.
I hesitate to ask, cuz even I have to admit that he PROBABLY didn't... but if he didn't, where's his official denial? Has anyone asked him about it publicly yet? And if he hasn't denied it yet, why not? Why wouldn't he just take 5 minutes to clear the air and reassure us that he didn't in fact rape and kill any girls in 1990 like all these rumors are saying?
UPDATE (Dec.10) The above site was
sued by Mr. Beck who lost the case, but was given the keys to the domain anyway by the site-owner as a pity-gesture. Not that it helps him much, as the new mirror can be found