Wow, two posts in less than a week... I hope this doesn't become a habit...
So the other day I saw
the most adorable robot experiment ever, courtesy the wild'n'wonderful
wingywoof, and while the video was indeed adorable, the thing that really got me was the music. OH GOD THE MUSIC... it is quite simply physically impossible to hold a frown to that song, and if you can put it on in the background and not find yourself bopping along to it a minute or so later, you must be made of stone. (Srsly, I tried it just last night, in a nicely miserable mood for control purposes... and I swear the thing wasn't playing for 15 seconds before the corners of my mouth started creeping upwards. *boggle*)
Anyway, it appears to be an original composition by the robot-designer's friend, and so not exactly available from iTunes. And since Youtube doesn't seem to come with a convenient autoloop function yet, I needed some other way... luckily I had one, and you can find the resulting .mp3 of what I'm just calling the Tweenbots Theme,
here. (Sorry about the abrupt ending, but that's where the video cuts off too. And yes, I know, the human-test to download is probably the hardest one I've seen, which is too bad because it used to be one of the absolute easiest. Ah, overcompensation.)
"But how!" you ask.
Listen to Youtube is a maaaaaarvellous site that can process Youtube's .flv's and give you a nice clean .mp3 to save and use as you like. Can we say godsend?
The site isn't perfect by any means, as the resulting mp3's sometimes come out missing the header-frame and so display absurdly long track-lengths in your player of choice, and the pop-under ad of the guy telling his web-ads story IN FULL AUDIO is extremely obnoxious. It also doesn't work on any site other than Youtube. But these still seem a small price to pay for the wonderful and (I believe so far) unique service it provides.
While I'm at it, I've seen Susan Boyle's stunning performance reported in about half a dozen friend-journals so far (kudos to
ccroft for apparently breaking the story!), and so I suspect people might like that in mp3-form too.
HERE THEN IS AN ARCHIVE including two versions of the audition that took the world by storm (one of the
full audition with pre/post interviews included, the other with
just the song itself), AND AND AND the
recently-discovered only other song Ms. Boyle ever recorded,
Cry Me a River, way back in 1999 as part of an amateur-talent community charity CD. If you haven't heard it yet, prepare to be wowed all over again.
The CD was called The Millennium Celebrations, and only 1000 were ever printed. I wonder what they'll be going for on eBay in a couple of months... happy millennium indeed!
Archive links again for convenience:
Tweenbots Theme*
Susan Boyle