Finally, after almost two months of waiting, today's the day
Lovelace goes in to get spayed. Which is good, because she's finally going a bit berserk about not getting to go outside like everyone else.
No chance I was going to forget the date either as it just so happened, purely by chance, that the first available spot fell on
Ada Lovelace Day, which I had just found out about 48 hours prior to booking the appointment. And really, what better way to mark the occasion, eh?
Anyway, this brings to a close L's brief experiment with functional womanhood, and frankly not a moment too soon. I can't imagine she was terribly happy at periodically finding herself maeiowing frantically and writhing desperately all over the floor presenting her bum to anything she could find in the futile hope that it would come and jump her bones. It was both hilarious and tragic... and after it started in mid-January it recurred every other week or so, for up to a week at a time. o.O
Honestly, after the first heat-cycle I really thought we were out of the woods for at least a few weeks... but nope, apparently cats will bounce in and out of heat pretty much continuously throughout the fertile period... which lasts about 10 months of the year. How ANYONE is able to stand going through more than one or two without making a spaying appointment for the very next earliest opportunity is utterly beyond me.