I haven't updated in a while, just felt lazy about it, I guess. Which is the exact opposite of how I should feel about updating. I guess that with all the new social networking tools (damn you, Twitter!) I no longer feel a need for this LJ. Which is a shame for all the reasons I said a while back.
In any case, we're within ten days of the wedding and there is still a reasonable amount of stuff to do. But all the major pieces are in place, which is good. I'm confident that when the time comes we'll be all set and it will be lovely. I can't wait to show Austin to my family and friends, and I especially can't wait to see the Teh Partay crew reunited. Mostly I can't wait to marry Hannah, but that goes without saying. What I'm especially proud of is that after all the craziness and running around and getting shit done we're getting the wedding we want. Which is all you could ever ask.
I might have more running up to the wedding, I feel like this is one of those times I should be more prolific than ever because this used to be the place where I would go to dump my day's activities into a specific place and this is one of the more important activities of my life. I used to blog about all sorts of random shit back then, and now it all passes unnoticed. There's a lot of stuff in the earlier LJ entries that I would have forgotten if I hadn't written it down. I wonder what I'll forget about this time because I didn't write it down.
Onto some brief non-wedding related updates:
- I am now a regular contributor to the book blog
Stacked, which came about because Matt knew Christina from dancing (I knew of her from Yehoodi) and suggested that I contribute a guest post since I read so much. So I started with one guest post, then suddenly I ended up doing regular posts and finally Christina was all "you're a staff writer now" and my official title is "West Coast Correspondent." Stacked is actually a really nice place for me to be, I can write about the books I'm reading and keep my reading habits alive and well and relate literature to my life more effectively from there. In that sense the medium is the message, because when I blog about books I read more and think more about the books I'm reading. If I didn't blog about them I wouldn't be nearly as reflective. So feel free to mosey on over to Stacked to read all sorts of neat book-related things from both Christina (whom I pale in comparison to when it comes to reading) and me.
- My 10 year high school reunion is coming up. Expect that to be a topic of conversation around here after the wedding.
- Speaking of high school, I spent last night having dinner with John Parsi at Umami Burger (verdict: decent, cheap, and I would go back), followed by dessert at Icepan. If you haven't been to Icepan you are a fool, because Icepan is the SHIT.
- We had a monumental July 4th barbecue in which I made tons of ribs and tri tip and chicken, all with the barrel smoker. I got up at 7 to start the fire and prep the ribs and all that. Food service was around noon. It was the first time I had ever really smoked something using the long low and slow method of the side fire box, but it went off without a hitch and I can't wait to do something else. If anything I have to use up all my applewood logs. I think a brisket or pulled pork for 12 hours is the next big step, although returning to ribs is always great. There really is a difference between long-smoked ribs and indirect grilled ribs with smoke added.
- I am batting around ideas for Nanowrimo 2009. I'm flirting with two of them. There's one that would be easier to do and would probably make a better novel, but I want to try the other one because it's more of a challenge and I want to make it different than my last.
- Work is going well, considering I don't have a show. Life was a great show. I want a new show. I hope if I get one it'll be on for several years so I can be comfortable for a while. In the meantime Universal has been amazing, calling me for M&E's and pilots and generally taking care of me. I'm very grateful.
- Weight wise I am holding steady in the lower 190's. It's not a bad place to plateau although to be honest a lot of that plateauing is me just being a little more lax with my eating. Which I guess is okay. It's nice being able to eat a burger and fries and not gain a massive amount of weight.
- Did I mention I'm getting married in ten days! CRAZY. It's going to be a blast.