Late night work

Mar 27, 2009 21:01

Working super late at Universal finishing up the next-to-last episode of the season. And I forgot to do my nightly walk today, so I'm gonna do it after I finish here off the clock. Which means I won't be home til after 10.

But that's okay, because it's Friday. And because I love this show and want to do my best work for it. And because next week is the last episode of the season, which means after next week my workload is going down significantly. Less money coming in, but I've saved a bunch so it's okay. And really all I want to do is sit for a few days, read my books, do nothing of consequence, and detox. And then after that we can start the adventuring all over again.

I feel like the last few months I've been on autopilot - get up early, work for my 9.7 hours, come home, weigh in, eat dinner, pick up Hannah from school, watch a movie or some TV, go to bed. There's a certain amount of variation in there, random weekend things, a few special trips to the wine country or with visitors coming to town, but that's been the basic daily MO. And I'm really looking forward to branching out from that MO for the summer. The resumed LJing has helped me focus my energy, I feel like I'm ready to do more, to remodel the house some more, to read more books, to see more movies, to plan the Best Wedding Evar.

But until then I do my work the best I can and enjoy it. I'm lucky to have it and the show really truly kicks ass. Watch it and keep it on the air, will ya?
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