Title: Seuls
mtemplarRating: Adult
Characters: The Doctor (Tenth), Rose Tyler
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Doctor Who' and am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Graphic Sex, Graphic Violence, Romance
Spoilers: Set mid Series 2
Author's Notes: This story follows the events in To Have And Not To Hold (first chapter of
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*major flashbacks to the balcony in TCI*
He blinked at her, his eyes becoming a bit more focused. "The Fendahl was a supposedly a myth of my people, Rose. Something existing only to frighten children with, but it's not. It's real."
Like the Toclafane, only not repurporsed tot.
"That's right. The evolutionary process turned in on itself and created a being capable of absorbing all energy. The ultimate psychevore, if you will." He paused, swallowing hard. "In your very own neighborhood, in fact."
He seems to be clearing up pretty nicely here. *arches eyebrow*
Rose paused in her search, looking incredulously at a toy wind-up mouse from the Doctor's coat pocket in her hand.
No wonder he wanted it back in TDD! Awww.
"No," he said, looking fatigued again. "The planet that used to exist between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter…
Next thing you know, he’s going to have to explain Mondas to her!
"I thought I ( ... )
EXACTLY. Wholeheartedly agree.
OMG! BTW? I never told you -or did I? I got the poster! *GLEE* (I think you saw my post about the package -if not I can link it) THANK YOU! *hughug lovelove*
I'd like to say something clever like 'he's drawing on Rose's strength via the bond', but I just needed to get some exposition in. Fendahl is giving him a breather - it's up to something else.
Refusing to stop the Daleks at the point of their creation was your fault. The supernova failing to kablooey the Fendahl skull? Not your fault.
He didn't exactly hang around to make sure it was destroyed, so in his mind? His fault.
So the Fendahl just got lucky - it doesn’t know, in fact, that there was only one TARDIS left that it could have caught?
It did just get lucky, yes - but Fendahl is now aware that there's just one TARDIS and one TL left.
Note to Rose: add ‘playing with the Doctor’s pet phallic object in front of him’ to the list of don’ts.
Yep - Ten's bombarded barriers are shaky enough as is right now.
I can’t imagine using Emergency Protocol 1 and turning up on the Powell Estate with the future cast of Oliver! would work out too well.Jackie would no doubt Not ( ... )
*Rose, I really need you to quit extending and shortening the sonic sc... sc... please.*
That would be interesting, wouldn't it? Who would win? *ponders*
Rose: What? You mean, like this? *extends sonic*
Doctor: Please stop....
Rose: Oh look, it's got a bit of dust, just there. *massages sonic*
Doctor: Oh God....
Mmmmm... Possessed!Doctor and BadWolf!Rose is only one of several possible combinations.... That said, even though I'm not overly fond of the whole 'Bad Wolf' thing, she will make an appearance, in a roundabout sort of way.
Doctor: Please stop....
Rose: Oh look, it's got a bit of dust, just there. *massages sonic*
Doctor: Oh God....
Rose: Oops, I dropped it.
*bends over to give him a good view*
Doctor: *trying to behave* Rose...
Rose: *pops back up, talking to the sonic* Oh, you poor thing, let me make it all better. *dances light kisses along the tip affectionately*
Doctor: *long, low groan*
Doctor: *long, low groan*
Rose: Y'know, if I'm not mistaken... *licks sonic* Yep - it tastes like bananas! How'd you manage that, then?
Doctor: ... *mouth hanging open*
Rose: Doctor?
Doctor: *blinks*
Rose: *starts licking end of sonic like a lolly* Ooh, and some strawberries too. Maybe a bit of caramel... mmmmm.
Doctor: *lets out a soft keening sound and slowly falls over on his side, panting*
Rose: Goodness me, I suppose it is a bit warm in here... you must be positively roasting in that suit. *starts undoing the buttons, holding the sonic in her mouth*
Doctor: *glazed look*
Of course, Rose never actually touches him the whole time. XD
Doctor: Whut?
Rose: *grins*
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