From a lovely little blog I found:
I got to see the costume shop, armory, and millenry (hats) departments yesterday too. They had all the Love's Labours costumes hanging about and they are STUNNING. There are lots of antique fabrics, beadwork, and incredibly intricate layering. I saw David Tennett's doublet up close and it is really incredible. It's all handstiched blue suede, with slashing all over it and a grey-blue silk peeping through, another layer of lining, and then the inner lining of the jacket. So gorgeous. One of the dresses for the girls nearly made me faint. It's an incredible dark sapphire blue with orange/red themed flower embroidery in a large print all over. So so so pretty. Ugh. I wish I could wear it! Armory was neat. They've got some suits of real leather armor with intricate stamping and embossing all over. They also do the boots and shoes there. So cool.
Link to said lovely little blog here: WHY CAN I NOT HAS?!?