
interesting hobbies...

Sep 16, 2006 18:40

I developed a hypothesis that in anyone's life, there are 4 or 5 things you do that define you (beyond eating and sleeping). This is within the frame of 1 week.

So lets take a mathematic value to this, using the example of a college student:

0 = eating, sleeping, grooming, commuting
1 = academics
2 = partying or socializing
3 = club or organization
4 = weekend or P/T job
5 = random personal activity, like karate or ballet

Basically the point is all these activities and functions add up to the hours in 1 week. Some people may not have a job or do random things like karate, so they spend more time on other things. Or some people just really fill up their hours and do many things.

The reason I brought this up was because somtimes I wonder about wrestling and how girls percieve it.

I was just thinking back about any chics that I've been interested in recently and what it's like to mention that I'm involved with this over-the-top business of semi-violent sport.

It seems they all dismiss it. We never really talk about it. But it's one of the top 5 things that define me. The only girl that ever had a close and personal and extended exposure to the business was Danila. And she hated it. But at least she was introduced and had *just enough* patience to tolerate it.

It seems like I'm more occupied with the business now than I was 5 or 6 years ago, yet not a single girl I've dated or psuedo-dated or courted or even flirted with has officially met wrestling beyond maybe a myspace picture or two.

Christine was interested and I talked about it on the phone for like an hour. But that was about it. When I think back to her, and as it relates to my "top 5 definitional matrix," as noted above, there was only 1 thing that defined her, and it was so absorbing that it overlapped into the 0 category (basic human functions like eating, sleeping, etc).

If you know the story, you know that primary activity she was involved with was the downfall of our relationship. But my point is, I knew the in's and out's of her business. Sure enough, sharing those depths was thusly my demise. But ehh, what can you do? When you get that close to someone, you meet the circle of people from that field, you learn the jargon, you see patterns in personality and attitude, etc.

Yet I don't think it was anywhere reciprocal with wrestling. A total discussion time of 2 hours and maybe like 10 pictures was NOTHING, I assure you, based on the level of personal committment, passion, dedication, and experience with my business that I know, feel, and can verify.

I'm only using Christine as the most recent example of a bona fide girlfriend, but otherwise, I'm thinking of other chics I've dug and whether they took some sort of interest in wrestling. Actually I shouldn't phrase it like that. I mean to say whether they viewed wrestling as integral to my identity or whether it was a laughable trait, instantly dismissed or looked down upon.

I'm sensing the latter.

This would be a good jump off on explaining the intracacies of the business, the people involved, the work and effort that goes into promoting, the physicality that goes into working and training, and more.

But I won't! Cuz I need to shower and go on a date.

The cycle continues....

dating, reciprocity, hobbies, interests, wrestling

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