What would you do if I said I had a crush on you? Would you embrace it or would you run away?
I've been trying to be bold and step up and uhh confess how I've been feeling twds people but damnit, it doesn't help when I'm such a chickenshit... that and I'm afraid of jeoperdizing a good thing that I've got going with certain people.
Went out last night with the husband. We had dinner at Houlihan's and then went to the September Old Settler Days in Olathe. It's basically a carnival..... damn, it was a blast...but I totally felt my age! Loyd and I went on two different spinning rides. One of them was like going up and down in a ferris wheel motion but when you go inside it, it's like a cage because you're constantly spinning inside it. I remember telling Loyd that if I felt like I was going to fall out, I KNOW he did too!!!!
This is the ride that I thought Loyd and I were going to fall out of....
The other one used to be called the Octopyus but I'm not sure what it's called now. It used to be my fave. rides of all time but now, I'm not so sure if it is... maybe it was because Loyd and I kept spinning too many times in a row. The combo of full stomach, meds, etc... not a good combo for spinning rides. LOL.
Tonight, I'm going to have coffee with friends so that should be fun. I've gone two weeks without drinking coffee...and ever since I've started drinking coffee regularly...that's a record for me!!!!! :)
Alrighty, must go and get some stuff done. Mel, David, Amber, and Chris are coming in next weekend and must get the room cleaned for Mel and David since I NEVER have time to do so through the week!!! Hope all's well!