Aug 30, 2006 22:11
There are several people that I'm annoyed with or angry with tonight.... and have been with for quite some time.... with some people it's been years and for others, it's only been a few weeks.
Only I wish I was bold enough to tell them how I feel abt them and why I'm angry or annoyed with.
I've begun to question things... is it because I'm wiser now or because I've been there with other people and it just didn't work out... only because someone gets hurt in the end and usually it's me? Are you telling me lies whether they're big or not? That's the one thing I absolutely hate.... is when people lie to me... I've dealt with it enough growing up but I know it's a part of life...and it's amazing how many people don't know how to tell the complete truth. Why do you have to lie so much? It's getting to be where you're just covering up one mass lie after another..pretty soon, you're going to start believing the lies or you're going to forget which person and lies you've told them to.
Blah, time to end this and just go to bed. Night everyone!