Gawd. What an afternoon.
I'm helping host a baby shower in two weeks, and I needed to get some stuff together for the invitations. My parents are going to be here next weekend, so I had to buy cake decorations for this damn elaborate cake I'm planning on making. And, with Chris out of town, I had to go out on the town with both kids by myself.
I thought I could handle it. I was wrong.
We started the morning with

In green. A great little tidbit about baby food--whatever color you put in is the color that comes out. So, digested peas.
And he had no idea why Mommy was gagging.
Anyhow, after getting him cleaned up (again), we headed out. The first stop went fine. Then, shit. Just shit. The Tank was screaming because he wanted out of his car seat. His sister was singing to him at the top of her lungs because she thought it would make him stop screaming. I decided we'd better stop for lunch and give them a minute to calm down. Then while I'm ordering, The Kid picks her nose and wipes the offending booger on the counter. Appalled, I shouted/squawk for her to get a tissue and clean it up. The cashier looked disgusted, and The Kid is now crying because Mommy scared her.
We sit down at the table and I open my wrap and pour my dressing on the wrap paper. The Kid sat down across from me, still upset, and we began to eat. Two bites in, the baby is fussing, so I let him sit in my lap. While I was picking him up, The Kid dropped her cup, puncturing the styrofoam with her straw. Drink everywhere. A kindly patron offered to go get someone to clean it up.
While I was talking to the poor guy charged with cleaning up the spill, THE TANK grabs my lunch and pulls the entire thing, dressing first, into my lap.
All in the course of ten minutes.
After letting The Kid play for a few minutes (while I sat drenched in cold dressing), I decided to give it up and we are now back home. I have no intentions of leaving again until Chris returns.