internet dating notes.

Dec 18, 2007 00:44

out of curiosity, i did a search that included all of my usual preferences and then i added an income bracket (>$100,000)
i've never tried that before.
here's what i've noticed.

1.) there are fewer "unattractive" men. the men aren't more attractive individually, but the average is more attractive.
2.) more men look like they're from the east coast.
3.) indeed, in the first sentence, many mention just recently moving to SF, often from the east coast, sometimes LA. oh, and they're all excited to live here and just love this city.
4.) there are many more men who list themselves as Christians or Catholics in this search
5.) fewer burners
6.) their free text paragraphs more often start like a resume or a life story "i work doing.." "i grew up in.."
7.) many fewer free text descriptions that are creative, goofy or funny.
8.) oh god. so many are as comfortable in a suit/tux/armani as they are in hiking boots/running shoes/sweats, etc.
9.) lots of people in sales and marketing.. is that really where the money is??
10.) a pleasant lack of the use of caps locks for emphasis
11.) fewer list themselves as liberal or non-conformist
12.) fewer men are looking for a "lady"
13.) ooh. i just got a string of them, all wearing blue button-up shirts, all in a row.
am i just seeing the stereotypes or is there really a pattern?

as an aside, i'm wondering if listing preferred eye colors as blue or green is somehow thought to be more politically correct than clicking the box that says "white".
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