Nov 12, 2009 10:55
Notorious B.I.G, "Things Done Changed" In this introduction there was high hopes for the hip hope generation to move into mainstream but as George Bush was win would threaten the future of African American Life, in the last two decades an unfulfilled promise of equality..there has been great disparities in education,healthcare, employment and much more..I believe that Hip Hop is a great way of expression and tells the truth with in its strem of inspiring truthful words... There are some people that just dont understand the hip hop generation and are fools that they are not opening up there eyes to a great things some I guess you would say are the non-black critics who,ghaving grown tired of the race card and fear being attacked as racist. We need to understand carefully and examine the major social and political forces shaping young black Americans Dawn of the twenty-first century. This critcism must use a lear lens to examine at the very miniumum several questions. Why is it that its not eual? and that what distingguishes this generation's war of the sexes from that of there parents? but there is much hope.