Field Work

Oct 08, 2010 19:42

This past week I had my first field work experience for earth sciences. It lasted from the 30th till today and consisted of a lot of hiking in the hills of the Ardennes. During those hikes we had to collect data from the land like what rocks are located where and we had to take note of how the land was formed etc. We had to interpret that data in the evenings, and that culminated into a set of maps and a report at the end of the week.

The whole thing was very interesting. Mostly because it was the first time i actually felt happy working in a team. I had a great team, and the matter we had to deal with was very clear to me so the only difficulty from this excursion came from the lack of sleep and the slight time pressure we had to finish the product we had to turn in.

As for the rest of the trip, I can say that it was an incredibly cool trip. It's been a very long time since I have been on a trip with "classmates" like this, and it was wonderful to get to know all the people that are in the 1st year of Earthsciences at the VU like this. I found out that I wasn't the oldest (the second oldest afaik). And I had lots of laughs with all the people there. Even with the teachers and TAs who came along. My old hobby of collecting stones got reinvigorated since I got to collect the stones myself in the field and not from some dusty shelf in some dinky stone gallery, so that was very cool too. I even got to hack some fossils out of a stone wall at a station.

All in all the trip has been very cool. Maybe I'll upload some pics of what I have seen. For now I'll just hope that I won't be dreaming about outcrops in the sides of narrow paths anymore.
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