A weekend of ups and downs.

Aug 16, 2008 00:32

This post will contain text only, I’ve still to see through all the pictures from the weekend, so a picture post will come later ^_^

Well.. if I am to tell about the weekend I guess I should start at the beginning.. Our train from Glasgow to Leicester left about 12pm Thursday.  This was one of the good moments. The very first thing we saw when we walked into the train station was a guy with cat ears and a tail! So already in Glasgow we started to see traces of Amecon! =D Turned out we were at least 15 going from Glasgow to Leicester that day. For some reason the other passengers at the train station were giving us strange looks. Guess they have never seen people with cat ears and huge props before =P Unfortunately those people  had reserved seats on the train, so we didn't get to sit next to them on our way down and we didn't get to know them well. But every time we ran into each other after that we had a little chat. ..Too bad I don't remember their badge names.. =(

Journey down was ok, save for me falling asleep with my head bent in a very strange position against the wall. That was going to haunt me for the rest of the weekend. I couldn't turn my head, nor could I look up and down.. >.< But we got to Opal Court (the dorms where we were staying for the weekend). The next few hours were spent working intensively on our cosplays, until Tsuchinoko and Strawberry arrived in Leicester and we went out for a meal with them.

Friday we were out of the door already before 8. Very excited and ready for the con. We first went to a shop to stock up for the weekend, and then we headed to the registrations. All in all, not much happened Friday. After having waited in line for registration for a long time, I headed back to the hotel to continue working on my cosplays. In the end I ended up not cosplaying that day. I did get to go to Name that Tune, which was fun. But our team didn't win (boo! =P) and the AMV Disco was good too. Though I was too sober to really enjoy a disco...

Saturday I cosplayed as Black Rose from the .Hack// games. It was great fun! So many stopped me for my picture! =D But looking at them now, I don’t think I’ll cosplay her again. At least not until I’ve been working out! The lazy summer has been bad to my stomach *sigh* =( I do want to cosplay her again, because my boyfriend wants to do Kite later on.. But we’ll see on how much I’ve been working out XD I entered the Masquerade, which in itself was ok. If it wasn’t for the fact I had to wait several hours in a costume I couldn’t sit down in >.< The day kinda went downhill from there.. In the evening there was the pub quiz, but there was no seats left when we got there, so we left and headed for the game room. Stayed there a short while before going to the J-pop/anime theme party and the J-rock disco.  I didn’t manage to enjoy myself though. All I could think of was how fun everyone else seemed to have while drinking with their friends. The people I spent the weekend with don’t drink, so when I bought myself a drink I couldn’t help feeling all alone. I ended up thinking of how much I missed my friends back in Norway, and cursing the fact that I’m too shy to come up with something to say to strangers when I’m sober, so I didn’t make any new friends either.. That resulted in having a major emo-night. I even went outside where I hid behind some cars and cried. I really, really hope I managed to hide well enough so that no one saw me! If someone did, I hope they never tell me... I’m not the one who usually ends up crying at parties. Went home early that night, only to cry more in my room.

Sunday was all right though. I cosplayed as Saria from Legend of  Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A few of LoZ-cosplayers were meant to meet up for a photoshoot, but almost no one came. A pity, but I had lots of fun with the ones who did come ^_^  Rest of the day was spent using the rest of my money, which wasn’t much, seeing as the cash machines in the area didn’t work anymore. Next we headed for the Omake. Huge disappointment! After having waited for a long time outside the hall where it was held, we were told to wait outside. The rehearsals ran late, and so many wanted to see the omake that they decided to film it at show it on the different tv’s in the building.. Which means that we could’ve got to see it without queuing up.. >.< Oh well, we did get in there in the end! And the omake was quite good. Though there was too much singing in my opinion. Nothing wrong with the performers though! Most of them could sing really well.. But it got boring.. Because the omake ran late, the rest of the events got delayed as well. We didn’t know that, so when we finally got back after having spent a while in out room changing for the ball, we thought we were over an hour late. Turned out the Cosplay Ball had started just a short time before. Lucky! ^_^ The ball was great fun! I loved watching all the great and beautiful ball gowns and dressed up people! There were so many dresses I would love to own myself there! XD And the music was perfect! But me and Greg really need to learn some ballroom dancing before the next ball we attend! I don’t think we looked very impressive out on the dance floor, not that we were alone in not knowing any dances *lol* XD And as a great ending to the ball, I WON THE “QUEEN OF THE BALL” title!!!! =D =D =D I NEVER saw that coming! I got dragged up on stage to receive my diploma, tickets to the Grand Cosplay Ball in London and a tiara. ..So.. many.. people.. there.. to.. watch... And I was in chock after winning, so my English was really, really, really bad! >.< I still get embarrassed thinking of how I spoke in the microphone... I hope people didn’t pay too much attention..

After  that we stayed for a bit longer, but me and Greg went back to our room when the ball ended and the disco begun. My dress was way too big to move around in in a crowed disco where people jump and spill their drinks.. Besides, we had to check out of our room quite early the next day, and we had a LOT to pack before we could go to bed..

So that was the tale of my first con. It was mostly spent walking about with nothing in partucular to do and a feeling of not quite belonging anywhere. Don't get me wrong! I really love hanging out with Greg and his friends. It's just that they're not like my friends back in Norway, and don't do the same stuff as they do. And so many at the con were doing things me and my friends do. So yeah.. I felt a loss. But that is up to me to do something about. Amecon itself was great! And I can’t wait for the next con! But next time I have to make sure I get to know someone before I go, so that I can be amongst those who are having fun, instead of being the one who breaks down behind a car.  >.<* A more enjoyable post about the Amecon weekend will come later, as that will contain happy pictures instead of sad text ;)

amecon 2008

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