Jul 01, 2007 21:51
Well, time for a "real life" post for once. I finally managed to go out and have a fun time~some-what. I was midly surprised when my mother came to me and said. "Your aunt Becky is inviting us over fo barbeque, do you wanna come?" The first thing that came to my mind was, isn't Auntie still in jail? Shows how much I keep up with my family. I actually had the audacity to ask this outloud and my mother told me that Auntie had just gotten out a few days ago. So I wasn't to far behind the times, I guess, made me feel a little better anyway.
So I decided to go with her, my little bro decided to stay home. The barbeque was partly for him- since it's his birthday and all, but he said he would be much happier if he got to stay home and just play his hundred dollars worth of games. He bought Disgea 2, Final Fantasy 3 for the Ds, and Pokemon Diamond & Pearl. Intitially I was a little upset with him, I mean they were throwing this party in his honor and he just says, "Naw, I don't wanna go." But hey, if I had all those games I would want to stay home and play them as well.
When we finally got dressed and left the house-it was me, my youngest brother and mother. We picked up my other Auntie Della, who looked stoned out of her mind. She was wondering around down town Las Vegas looking quite lost. The police would have arrested her if we hadn't come by and picked her up, good thing we did though. Turns out the party was actually hosted at this man named Harold's house-my Auntie Becky lives with him--for free, but nothing free so there has got to be a catch, for those of you that are older you know what I mean.
But over-all he did seem friendly, we had some barbeque, and then sometime later my aunts and my mother had the crazy idea that they wanted some beer. So we ended up walking to the store-instead of driving. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind walking, but I rather not walk straight through a gang's terrioty, man we were walking in the ghetto-at night. Now who does that when they have a car to drive instead? I swear my mother-who is always been the most logical of all her sisters was stoned as well. Other-wise she would not have suggested that. So I was on edge the entire time, and even more so when some guys decided to whistle in my directions--the jerks.
In the end I had to drive everyone home, my entire family was gone after so many drinks. So I had to drive my uncle, aunt and my cousin home. Which took a long time, everyone lives across town, and my mother was lounged in the back counting stars-way to go mom. I found myself easily annoyed with everyone, but not my mother, because I love my mother to pieces. And really my mother never has any fun, but she sure will be feeling the head ache tomorrow. Now since I am home, I can relax and count my blessing that my life isn't had hectic as this day was. Peaceful days...that is all I ask for.
Oh and on the other hand. Happy 14th birthday bro, you know I love you, even though your a pain in the neck :)