Oct 06, 2013 22:34
This was a busy weekend. Hubby brought down a few dead trees, cut them up, and we have probably between half and a full cord of firewood added to the stack. Who needs a gym when you have this going on? I think we probably have several cords' worth of deadwood throughout the property. I don't know how much we'll get cleared before the snow flies, though. A few of the big, solid ones have critters living in them and will be left standing; it's mostly the tilting hazards we need to clear.
Also put together some more racks in the back room and one on the patio, plus set up a bed for the ferals; hopefully they'll use it at some point. With all the noise and activity we haven't seen them yet today. I expect they've been lying low at the other end of the woods.
I really do need to start planting bulbs this week. I have two big bags of tulips in various colors, they ought to be in the ground before it gets much colder.