Viva La Resistance

Apr 16, 2010 18:41

How did a few armed men lead thousands of Jewish concentration camp victims to their deaths?  If we, the American People, are not required by law to pay IRS income taxes, why do we do it?  How is it that a few dark sinned men armed only with box cutters flew two planes filled with over 200 people each into two New York Buildings?  How is it that a few, the "rich" have all the control over the many?  I do not get this.  Do we not know our own power?  The American Revolution of 1776 was fought by only about 5% of the American population.  It was only the men who fought.  They were willing to fight to the death.  Can you imagine if both women and men fought to get our government back?  45% would be enough.  John Adams was amoung the men who fought for our independence.  (I recommend reading his autobiography) His views were not the same as Benjamin Franklin's.  They could have been like a right wing conservative republican and a left wing progressive liberal (I'm not saying they were, but they did disagree on certain political agendas).  Keep in mind, that even with their differing viewpoints, they did agree on one thing.  They wanted independence from the imperialistic British.  They led men into bloody battles with the red coats.  They starved and literally froze to death.  They won our independence and our freedom.

Now, hundreds of years later, are we free?  We are free to do what we are told.  We are free to conform.  We are free to work everyday of our lives until it kills us.  Paying taxes that pay for things that we don't agree with.  I for one don't want my taxes going to the murder of Iraqi children.  I want my taxes, if I voluntarily choose to pay them, to go to education.  I want our children to be the smartest children in the world.  I want my taxes to pay for safe roads and buildings for the people, our people. I want our military home, here, on OUR soil, protecting us from others.  I don't want fifty american bases occupying several other countries that we have no business in.  I don't want American GIs getting drunk and raping 12 year old foreign girls.  They are American Ambassadors!  I want people to see America as the land of the free, not the land of the tyrants.  What happened to the love and acceptance of Ellis island?  Why are we so anti-immigrant now?  How did this land become something worse than what it strived to become free of back when the Boston Tea Party meant an act of rebellion against unfair government?  Now the Tea Party is synonimous with the KKK.  What the bleeding hell has happened to this country?  Why are we so engrossed in the lies that Fox "yellow journalism" News spouts at us?  Why do we believe that crap?  When did we become unable to think for ourselves?  Why is American Idol and Justin Bieber and Twilight and Buffy more important than the fact that our country is crumbling around our eyes?  We are in dire straights.  Pure and simple.  We can't even be sure that our vote is heard.  Our system needs an overhaul.We can choose to fight amoungst ourselves, join the democratic party or the liberal party or the republican party or whatever label makes you think you feel good about yourself.  But that is the same as claiming yourself to be a sports fan, or of a certain religion and all others are bad and not to be listened to. 
We are Americans.  Let us drop all of our differences and band together.  Our country needs us.  It is no longer a democracy.  We know that we do not want it to be the thing that it is becoming.  We may not agree on what we want it to be.  But we do not want it to be a police state.  We do not wish to follow in the foot steps of the Nazis.  We do not want a "Brave New World", we do not want "1984" and we do not want a "Minority Report".    Instead of an Us and Them approach, we must get together and build a government we want governing us, with foreign policies that make sense.  We are not a country of bullies.  We must stop it now, before it is too late.  It may be too late. "The people should not be afraid of their government.  The Government should be afraid of their people" - quote from movie: V is for Vendetta.  Remember, Remember the Eleventh of September, when our constitution was destroyed?  Remember, remember the Eleventh of September when the patriot act was passed?  It wasn't patriotic, but we, the patriots, we shall rise.  For the many against the few who wish to rule is no contest.

I realise by writing this that I have red flagged myself as a "traitor" and a "terrorist" and I shall be interned in one of the FEMA "rehabiliation" camps, but I'm not too worried about that because China will be occupying our Country within a year of that happening.  They treat the "insane" a little bit better than Americans do... ;)

For an even MORE eloquent exploration of this topic, please see:

"The best slaves are the fools who think they have a “free press,” and swallow wholesale whatever lies their media spews at them. The best slaves are those who encourage their children to go off to the indoctrination center and memorize and eschew all the propaganda they are fed, and then reward them for excelling at the regurgitation of falsehoods. The best slaves are those who work under the impression they are getting ahead, and don’t realize the system of progressive taxation you’ve place on them has effectively made them “for-hire slaves.” The best slaves are the ones who then spend their remaining money at your “company store” (the corporations you own), instead of using it to, god forbid, help build each other up. {*2} Simply put: Huxley’s “vision” won. Orwell’s lost."

vendetta, fascists, commie politics, liberal, obama, tea party, republican, sarah palin, justin bieber, nazis

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