kurainanimo ordered the Alice nine's picture/ interview book which was nicely delivered to my hostel. I am sure that the pictures are up somewhere around the interwebs but perhaps not all? Took some pictures as a preview of sorts but they are all of not of good quality as I don't have a scanner =(
Do find the rest under the cut (so I don't spam up your friends page). Hope you guys enjoy the 'preview'!
Hiro-pon with his flaming guitar
Hiropon (2)
Hiropon (3) with flaming AND flying guitars and clocks
Saga who beat you up!
Saga (not beat up version ><)
Saga (3) Sorry for my ugly fingers at the corner of the pic ><
Nao (1) I thought he was Tora at first (wow transformation much!)
Nao (2)
Tora - I didn't take too many pictures of this photoset cos I think quite a bit of it is already online
Shou underwater (1)
Shou (2) Pretty?
Shou (3)