30 day J-rock meme_Day 9 and 10

Oct 31, 2010 23:09

Skipped Day 9 as its not as fun to do when me and my sis do it together =) Also, was trying to finish the last quarter of Stephen King's Dreamcatcher. On that note, I cannot put down a good book (novel or academic book alike) and would usually "sprint" towards the end, even if it means staying up all night to read =x

Without much ado, Day 9's meme: Your favourite J-Rock performance

Tie up again! This time between Galneryus' Live for All and Deluhi's Blitzkreg performance at Shibuya O-East. Delu's lives are awesome because they are talented, technical and funny XD Also, I think no other band can replicate Juri's adorable blur-ness. The live's special to me and my sis too =) Unfortunately, no youtube vids to link for this performance.. yet >_<

Garu's live performances have always been top-notch. And here's one part of the performance I really <3

image Click to view

Cannot further emphasize how much i <3 <3 musical collaborations from Leda and Syu =D Also if Junichi Satoh is the drummer, i think nothing can go wrong XD Everyone's so pro at their instruments! If i ever feel tired of practicing my guitar, I feel motivated again when I see this =)

Day 10: How you first got into J-Rock

Hmm... I have my sis to credit for this one =) I think my interest in J-rock came at the right time when I was watching Detroit Metal City (around March 2008?). And that anime strangely helped me appreciate the finer points (the technical aspects mainly) of music.

So while I started a serious search for music which I could relate to, my sis told me that her friend recommended this band where "the vocalist is super handsome". Then we watched Zetsu together on youtube. I guess the interest picked up from there. Me and my sis discovered GazettE first. Then I discovered more bands through the wonderful method of... randomly pressing links on youtube -_-

Next was Alice nine then things didn't really start "happening" again until I found Galneryus. I remembered thinking "the guitarist... he's crazy!". Then after listening to them again I realized that everyone, and not only the guitarist, was crazy. Discovering Deluhi soon followed after I found out that Yu-to played in Deluhi as Leda.

Hmm i guess Leda needed a more "manly" name during his time in Galneryus, considering that a galneryus live consists of a 70% male audience in contrast to the 10 - 20% male audience in V-Kei lives (its interesting to note the different pitch of screams from the crowd... like KIYAAAAA! o(^_^)p vs ARRRRRRGRAAAA!!!!).

gazette, meme, jmetal, jrock, galneryus, deluhi, firsts

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