I smell inspiration =O

Apr 22, 2010 00:53

Go go have a listen! Its really good for the imagination  =D

image Click to view

If there's time, I would really want to do some art based on the mood of this song. Maybe it'll be scenery? Something fantasy related? Hmm would think about that later =)

And another (unrelated) vid which sounds do-able >_< 一生けん命ギ一タをひかなさい (T_T)

image Click to view

All Syu's other tutorials are, to me, terribly motivational and demotivational at the same time. Haha well... MI Japan has an awesum teacher XD Pretty much explains how Syu's class has equally awesum graduates like Leda from Deluhi XD

hopes that YG or Marshall arranges a session where they play together again. However, I doubt they would play against each other. The last time they did they couldn't really help but play together (http://mt10lt20.livejournal.com/4786.html), pretty much leaving the rest out when they did a really good colab of the "kill the king" solo =x

leda, syu, random

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