-dick wolf is on the actor's studio... dick wolf is my hero...
-the boys are recording their demo... it sounds good... really good...
-i finally got some pictures of the baby smiling, but damn... i can't find the stupid cord to get them off the camera...
-my green polka-dot skirt is my new favorite piece of clothing... it's so damn comfy...
-i hate girls... well, most of them...
-i wanna see the da vinci code... NOW!
-i hate a hamburger at a very VERY late night cook-out last night...
-i fell out of the car. i'm a dumbass... nuff said.
-i hate people who "don't read"... ugh...
-AND NOW... another picture of the baby... cause i can...
haha... he's getting FAT!!! he weighs almost 9 pounds now...
he makes weeeeird faces sometimes...