Nov 05, 2010 21:11
:: I can hear firecrackers outside! So exciting! I know I'm not outside to see them, but still it's cool. It's Guy Fawkes Night so it's understandable. I wanted to go out, but I'm sooo exhausted at this point where even the thought of it is tiring.
:: It was a good day at work. One of my clients called today and wants to schedule a meeting to start a project. If she makes an order, hurrah! Commission for me! My Director also had a chat with me today and told me they want to start a new website. I'm pretty psyched about it because I'm going to be heavily involved in this due to my previous experience in the field. All's good. Tomorrow's the Harrods parade, so I expect it'll be very hectic at work.
:: Jon and Stephen have looked so tired this past week! Very understandable but every time I see them, I feel the urge to give them a big hug! Stephen especially has been breaking character left and right! Not that I mind. I love seeing him laughing!
:: OMG! Keith Olbermann got suspended from MSNBC! Apparently he donated money to three Democratic candidates without informing his superiors. At least they still have Rachel Maddow.
jon stewart,
stephen colbert