Jul 21, 2010 20:47
:: I'm baaaaack! Can't say I'm too thrilled about it. London was so cool and drizzly and here it's like we're in a melting pot! Can't take the scorching heat! I did however get a sunburn while in London. What the WHAT?! True story. I had a great time, but it never seems to be enough. Anyhoo. Shouldn't be greedy and ungrateful. Got to go to Comic Con, watch the plays I wanted, talk to Michael Palin again and shop a bit. All in all, a great week!
:: I will be posting separate entries for each thing I did or saw. Reviews and comments of the plays, pics and general observations. But that will be in the next couple of days. Today, I just relax a bit and go out for a drink with my friends to give them their presents! I really like shopping for others! Got my sister some weird looking earrings from Comic Con which she loved. She has really weird taste. They're mini cassettes made into earrings. They look cute but personally, I'd never wear them.
:: I'm watching Doctor Who at the moment, so I guess I'll get back to that. Not thrilled with it though. I'm watching the animated episodes. The graphics are really crappy. How did they even air this?!
west end,
doctor who,