I'm waiting for my friend to come pick me up so we can go out for drinks. She said she's going to be half an hour late :/ I guess I'll use this time to post what I didn't have time to today, namely the awesomeness of yesterday's double dose of '30 Rock'! I mean Oh.My.God. The whole Janitor part had me howling with laughter. I was surprised NBC let them air it. So many great quotes! I have to give a full report of them tomorrow. Singles dodge-ball tournament?! And then Nancy walking in?! R'oh r'oh is right!
Jack: This is NBC. The biggest looser network.
Plus, Tina keeps playing with our weak shipper hearts! "...although, sometimes when you try so hard to find love you can't see that it's been standing in front of you the whole time. *caresses Jack's face*" ROFLMAO and crying at the same time!
Btw, wasn't the windmill high-five between Jack and Liz the most adorable thing ever?! I loved how their hands kind of linger at the end! I will be using it in RL!
And as for the boys (Jon & Stephen)? Jon reprized his "Go
F#@k Yourselves" song to another target audience and Stephen had the Gorillaz as his guest! Only thing is, he didn't interview them! Stephen ColberT did! Ahhhh...Good times. Good times. I think in 'The Daily Show's' mash-up of old clips they should have also included some of the 'Faith-Based Faith Of Stephen with a 'ph'' stuff. So funny! I always love seeing shirtless Stephen in the rapture clip with Ed Helms freaking out and screaming like a little girl!