It's always nice to have traditions during holidays! Yes, most traditions -like eating with your family- are common for most but my personal favorite one is watching 'Life of Brian'. The movie simply never gets old!
So yesterday my family came over and we had a nice huge Greek lunch outdoors (the weather was so sunny and beautiful, we couldn't resist!) completed with a bunch of sweets. I think we went a bit overboard on the sweets this year...I decided to play Martha Stewart for a day the night before and made some cupcakes. I am not a cook nor a baker so I wasn't quite sure how they'd turn out. My family who tried them said they were really nice but they probably said it to make me feel good at my first attemp at baking! They were pretty though, so I guess that's good! When my family finally left, my mum and I sat down to watch 'Brian'! Oh glee of glees!
Now I'm having a Star Trek TOS marathon. Watching Season 2 at the moment. As soon as I finish Season 3 I may venture into a TNG marathon after taking a small Trek break. But not a long one since I can't wait to get me some Data love!
All in all, it was a good day! Here are some pics of my cupcakes! :D