Oct 22, 2009 15:30
My suitcase is officialy packed! I think. I hope I didn't forget anything. But even if I did, screw it. I'm gonna see the Pythons!!! I feel much better today and don't have a fever. I'm really looking forward to this trip! I also have tickets to the Royal Opera House! Yayyyy! I've never been so it's going to be an exciting new experience! I enjoy the opera and the fact that I actually managed to find reasonably priced tickets made me ecstatic!
Anyhoo. I'm waiting for my mum now so we can go to the airport together. She's psyched too. But then again, who wouldn't be? Oh, did I mention that I'M GONNA SEE THE BLEEDIN' PYTHONS???
Yeah. That's about it.
monty python