Jun 25, 2007 18:46
I don't mean to sound like a hippie or anything, but people please be aware of the vibes you are sending out. I mean, really, it's super hard to be around someone who gives off bad vibes. And just because you are sad or mad doesn't necessarily mean you are putting out bad vibes. I think it's deeper than that. It's just distracting, that's all. I'm way more in tune with that kind of stuff for some reason. Weird.
Being a grown up kinda stinks. Not completely, just kinda.
I'm really freaked out by this vibes thing. I've always been a pretty good reader of people, and I guess I'm just getting more in touch with that. I seriously had to purify myself when I got home. Like mini meditation. It was intense.
And btw, you can lean on me whenever you want to.