Latest efforts in Canine Containment:
When kept in a standard Vari-Kennel, Felon will press against the door until she bends it far enough out of shape that it pops open. We have taken a standard Vari-kennel, drilled holes through the plastic both above and below the latch, and run copper pipe through the holes to reinforce the door. That kept her contained for a few months, but recently she discovered (after repeated efforts) that she could pull the door inwards (don't ask me how) until she bent one of the pins holding it in, thus creating enough room to squeeze out. After knocking one of the copper pipes out of its slot. So we drilled holes in the copper pipes and added pins to keep them from sliding out, and added a series of split rings to the grating that the pipes are threaded through to keep the door securely attached to them.
xtinkerbelle says that the next step is for her to bust through the plastic.